(Fort Worth, TX - 12:59 AM Car Pursuit) East Division - Officer Brian Clark enjoys working the midnight shift. When the call load goes down he can be more proactive and it looks for things. The shift works out because when he's going home his 2 and 4 year old are waking up so he can play with them. Fortunately for his son and daughter they got his wife's good looks and not his chiseled features. A car runs a stop sign at Ave K and he chases him until he bails at Ave L. They get out, but don't go far and he holds two Mexican men at gunpoint and tells them to get on the ground. The passenger has trouble listening, the driver doesn't come out and another passenger ran away. A woman comes out of the house they pulled into and wants to know what's going on. Brian tells them they ran from the police. The driver says he ran because he didn't want his father's car to get towed and he doesn't have a license. Brian says it will get towed now and all he would've gotten was a ticket. The guy in the orange pants lives there, the driver doesn't. He's been to jail before and says the car isn't stolen and he almost wiped out on the last turn. The new law in Texas is that if you run from the police it's a felony. They find a Coke can filled with paint in the car and the driver says he knows the paint is bad, he's not in a gang and knew better than to run. San Bernardino, CA (5:57 AM Traffic Stop) Deputy Phil Dupper works in the unincorporated part of town where there are no lights, two people on horses and lots of yards on the streets. He pulls over a bashes up, dirty truck for not having a license plate light. He says he lives right there and has no license. Phil wants him to take it easy. Fred is a white guy with a purple doorag who gets all wiry when he gets out. He cuffs him and searches him. He asks him why he's doing this, his son is probably watching him. He says he did nothing wrong, has nothing, but he finds speed on him. He says he's working on getting his license and he hasn't had a license for 10 years. His truck is dirty from working. He finds a bit of weed in the truck. Phil finds it interesting that Fred has a D.A.R.E. shirt on since he’s sending the wrong message. The Sgt. backs him up. Fred can't believe he is getting arrested, he did nothing wrong. Phil asks about the shirt, he says it's a hand me down shirt he uses for work, he's a bricklayer, he doesn't know. He's been using for a few years, trying to quit. Tampa, FL (11:55 PM Suspicious Vehicle) District 2 - Cpl Todd Lunge talks about a call he once took for a domestic with several brothers having a party. One had a bat and he screamed, threw the bat down, it hit the ground, bounced back up and hit him in the head knocking him out, so he was easy to arrest. He spots a red pick up truck parked in a known drug area. He pulls up and there is a woman in a designer bowler hat sleeping on the front seat. A window is open and a door is unlocked so he opens it and shakes her. She says let go, asks what he's doing and says she's fine. He asks if she knows who he is. She says an officer of the law and she was sleeping and doesn't know if there are drugs in there. A guy was giving her a ride home and she fell asleep. Todd spots a Brillo pad and she says nothing in the truck is hers even though there's a pocketbook with woman's clothes and gold shoes. She says it's not hers. Backup arrives and he says it's Signal 10 and puts her in the back of his car. The guy she was with is a black guy with a mustache and no name. In the bag he finds a prescription bottle with her name on it and cocaine inside. He also finds a crack pipe. Todd goes back and reads her rights. The truck is stolen and she says the prescription is not hers and she doesn't have a crack pipe. He says right, he has it now and he'll dump her clothes since they aren't hers. They can't prove she stole the truck, so she'll get trespassing. #1433. 9/21/02
14 - 1COPS - Palm Beach, Florida April 06, 2002
14 - 2COPS - Palm Beach, Florida March 23, 2002
14 - 3COPS - Coast To Coast November 10, 2001
14 - 4COPS - Coast To Coast September 15, 2001
14 - 5COPS - Coast To Coast September 22, 2001
14 - 6COPS - Coast To Coast October 06, 2001
14 - 7COPS - Coast To Coast February 02, 2002
14 - 8COPS - Coast To Coast January 12, 2002
14 - 9COPS - Coast To Coast March 09, 2002
14 - 10COPS - Coast to Coast 1 September 08, 2001
14 - 11Coast to Coast 2 December 15, 2001
14 - 12Coast to Coast 3 September 15, 2001
14 - 13Coast to Coast 4 January 05, 2002
14 - 14Coast to Coast 5 September 29, 2001
14 - 15Coast to Coast 6 April 13, 2002
14 - 16Coast to Coast 7 November 17, 2001
14 - 17Coast to Coast 8 November 24, 2001
14 - 18Coast to Coast 9 December 01, 2001
14 - 19Coast to Coast 10 January 19, 2002
14 - 20Coast to Coast 11 September 01, 2001
14 - 21Coast to Coast 12 September 01, 2001
14 - 22Coast to Coast 13 January 26, 2002
14 - 23Coast to Coast 14 February 09, 2002
14 - 24Coast to Coast 15 February 16, 2002
14 - 25Coast to Coast 16 February 23, 2002
14 - 26Coast to Coast 17 March 02, 2002
14 - 27Coast to Coast 18 February 23, 2002
14 - 28Coast to Coast 19 April 20, 2002
14 - 29Coast to Coast 20 March 16, 2002
14 - 30Coast to Coast 21 April 06, 2002
14 - 31Coast to Coast 22 April 27, 2002
14 - 32Coast to Coast 23 April 27, 2002
14 - 33Coast to Coast 24 September 21, 2002
14 - 34Naked Cops 1 Special Edition April 27, 2002
14 - 35Too Hot for Fox Special Edition April 27, 2002
14 - 36Extreme Cops September 14, 2002
14 - 1409COPS - Atlanta, GA January 01, 1970
14 - 1423COPS - Coast To Coast January 01, 1970