Special Edition (Fort Worth, TX - 10:07 PM Suspicious Vehicle) East Division – Officer Sara Stratten likes working there. It’s fish in a barrel, you don’t have to look far to find a crook. She spots a car packed on the wrong side of the street with it’s hi-beams on – probably is stolen. He then drives off and pulls over. The driver gets out, back in, has no license, the passenger has no license either and tries to creep into a nearby house holding a shirt. He eventually comes back, but won’t listen. When she goes to cuff him he runs and is tackled with the help of the cameraman. Backup arrives and puts him in his car. The driver claims he was looking for a house, but couldn’t find it. Sgt. John Ost says the passenger is a parole violator. He explains he doesn’t like being told what to do and when she lifted his shirt up he couldn’t breathe. The driver also is a parole violator. Las Vegas Downtown Area Command (10:18 PM Disturbance Call) Officer Ray Spencer is called to a fight at a wedding chapel. He says there are lots of problems lately with people getting married and ten limos are outside fighting for business when the couple come out. Cheryl is the owner and says a couple from a competing chapel threatened her. A bike cop finds the male suspect, Thomas. He claims his wife is eight months pregnant and people were cursing at them and one punched his wife last week. A BMW was following them so the police stop it and Craig the driver comes out says the suspect made bomb threats to his chapel and has warrants. Thomas is arrested for 440 – unpaid traffic tickets and petty larceny. Ray says feuding wedding chapels fighting for business have gotten out and has been going on for nine months. Jacksonville FL Zone 1 – Officer Farand Lockett did a ride along and got bit by the bug. It is exciting and loves it and would do it for free. (11:01 PM Officer Assistance Call) Police chase someone behind a building and says the second suspect escaped in a white tank top. Farand can’t find the other cops, but finds the suspect. The suspect says he 18 and has ID in his back pocket. He was meeting his friend Ernie and two girls for a booty call. Officer Lisa Coggin says she saw him run from the building and he is all sweaty and his heart is racing. He says he wasn’t in there, well he was in there, but not long. The guy he was meeting is his best friend, the other guy he doesn’t know.
17 - 1COPS - Mardi Gras 2004 Pt 1 May 15, 2004
17 - 2COPS - Mardi Gras 2004 Pt 2 May 15, 2004
17 - 3COPS - Coast to Coast 67 September 11, 2004
17 - 4COPS - Coast to Coast 68 September 11, 2004
17 - 5COPS - Coast to Coast 69 September 18, 2004
17 - 6COPS - Resisting Arrest 3 September 25, 2004
17 - 7COPS - Tazed & Confused Special Edition November 06, 2004
17 - 8Grand Theft Auto 2 Special Edition November 13, 2004
17 - 9Bad Girls! 6 Special Edition November 19, 2004
17 - 10COPS - Coast to Coast 70 December 04, 2004
17 - 11Las Vegas Heat #1 Part 1 December 04, 2004
17 - 12Las Vegas Heat #1 Part 2 December 04, 2004
17 - 13Ho! Ho! Ho! 2 December 11, 2004
17 - 14COPS - Maui Wowie Special Edition January 08, 2005
17 - 15Got A Habit Special Edition January 22, 2005
17 - 16Busts Special Edition January 29, 2005
17 - 17COPS - Resisting Arrest 4 Special Edition February 05, 2005
17 - 18High Crimes Special Edition February 05, 2005
17 - 19COPS - Bad Girls! 7 Special Edition February 26, 2005
17 - 20Coast To Coast 71 March 05, 2005
17 - 21Coast to Coast 75 March 19, 2005
17 - 22Coast To Coast 73 March 26, 2005
17 - 23High Times Special Edition April 09, 2005
17 - 24Coast to Coast 74 April 16, 2005
17 - 25600th Milestone Episode April 30, 2005
17 - 26Coast to Coast 76 April 30, 2005
17 - 27Coast to Coast 77 April 30, 2005
17 - 28Caught in the Act Special Edition April 30, 2005
17 - 29Grand Theft Auto 3 May 14, 2005
17 - 30Armed & Dangerous Special Edition May 21, 2005
17 - 31Bizarre Calls Special Edition May 21, 2005
17 - 32Coast to Coast 78 July 02, 2005
17 - 33Coast to Coast 79 July 09, 2005
17 - 34Coast to Coast 80 July 16, 2005
17 - 35Coast to Coast 81 July 23, 2005
17 - 36Coast to Coast 72 August 06, 2005
17 - 37COPS - Mardi Gra 2004 PT 1 January 01, 1970