(10:57 PM Narcotics Unit Operation) Miami Beach Metro Dade - Sgt. Fred Silber says they got a call from customs that there is a 50-100 pound package of pot, $100,000 worth, stuffed into fish on Air Jamaica Express from Kingston, Jamaica. He drives to general aviation and Special Agent Thomas Trotto from U.S. Customs is there to brief them. The plane is a DC-7, is 57 years old and is the only one left. The people called to get the fish, so they are letting them come to pick it up and will bust them. (12:19 AM) They are loading it up the fish and the cops drive up and arrest him at gunpoint. The fish is frozen on the top and the pot is wrapped up underneath. There is one lone black illegal alien picking it up and Fred says he'll go to jail then get deported. He doesn't deny knowing what's going on, but won't cough up his boss. (7:39 PM) Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office - Deputy Charles Hicks says s kid named Edwin called that a man with a knife is trying to get in his house. He arrives with Sgt. Louis Sessa, knocks on the door and the kid says he'll sick the dog on them. The police have him come out and give a description of the guy. The father comes up, doesn't speak much English, admits his son has mental problems and is on medication. Charles goes in and talks to Edwin. He wants to know if the story is a lie. The kid cries and says no one believes him and a guy tried to kidnap him before. No one believe him because he's in a stupid handicapped class. Charles says the neighbors were outside for 45 minutes and saw nothing so it sounds like Peter and the Wolf. The kid finally admits seeing things like devils & shadows and he has to pray to make them go away. He thinks if he kills himself it will make the demons go away. Charles says they have to take the kid to be mentally evaluated because he doesn't want it to come back and haunt him later. (2:42 AM Suspicious Vehicle) Ft. Lauderdale - Broward County Sheriff's Dept - Deputy Tincu Taranu says you see a lot of weird things out there like one time he saw a guy turn over a $30,000 car to score only $30 worth of crack. He pulls a car over and the driver, Russ. says he picked up a guy hitch hiking. He was just giving him a ride to Victoria. Tincu pulls the young black kid called Shorty out of the car and he says the driver is a good friend of his mom's. Deputy Glenn Tchou and Officer Edward Jackson question him about lying. The driver is down from New York and says the kid had some pot and stuck it under the seat. They find a crack pipe and can charge him with a felony, but if he tells them where Shorty has the drugs they'll cut him loose. He says the kid has 6 rocks in a Nuprin bottle. They find the bottle on Shorty and he says he swears it's the drivers. Tincu says Russ has a drug problem and needs to get some help. Shorty is arrested, but why should he get a job when he make $100s dealing…it's amazing to see.
4 - 1Kansas City 1 August 10, 1991
4 - 2Kansas City 2 August 17, 1991
4 - 3Kansas City 3 August 24, 1991
4 - 4Kansas City 4 December 07, 1991
4 - 5Kansas City 5 September 13, 1991
4 - 6Kansas City 6 October 19, 1991
4 - 7Kansas City 7 October 12, 1991
4 - 8Kansas City 8 October 05, 1991
4 - 9Pittsburgh, PA 3 September 28, 1991
4 - 10Pittsburgh, PA 4 October 26, 1991
4 - 11Pittsburgh, PA 5 December 21, 1991
4 - 12Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 02, 1991
4 - 13Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992
4 - 14U.S. Marshal's Service Special February 07, 1992
4 - 15Boston, MA 1 November 16, 1991
4 - 16Boston, MA 2 November 09, 1991
4 - 17Boston, MA 3 November 23, 1991
4 - 18Boston, MA 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 19Boston, MA 5 December 07, 1991
4 - 20Boston, MA 6 December 14, 1991
4 - 21Boston, MA 7 April 04, 1992
4 - 22Memphis, TN 1 January 11, 1992
4 - 23Memphis, TN 2 January 18, 1992
4 - 24Memphis, TN 3 January 25, 1992
4 - 25Memphis, TN 4 February 15, 1992
4 - 26Memphis, TN 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 27Memphis, TN 6 February 01, 1992
4 - 28Miami, FL 1 March 07, 1992
4 - 29Miami, FL 2 February 22, 1992
4 - 30Miami, FL 3 February 22, 1992
4 - 31South Florida 1 March 14, 1992
4 - 32Miami, FL 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 33South Florida 2 April 11, 1992
4 - 34Miami, FL 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 35Miami, FL 6 April 25, 1992
4 - 36Miami, FL 7 May 02, 1992
4 - 37Miami, FL 8 June 13, 1992
4 - 38Miami, FL 9 May 09, 1992
4 - 39Miami, FL 10 May 16, 1992
4 - 40Miami, FL 11 June 27, 1992
4 - 41Washington State 1 August 01, 1992
4 - 42Washington State 2 December 12, 1992
4 - 43Pierce Co. WA 1 June 20, 1992
4 - 44Pierce Co. WA 2 August 08, 1992
4 - 45Pierce Co. WA 3 August 15, 1992
4 - 46Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 21, 1991
4 - 47Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992